Hosting Innovation Summit

We are looking for opportunities to organize innovation summit for organizations and countries.
Innovation Summit  Innovation Summit is a unique event aims for technology sales and purchase.

The summit has few key characteristics as

• Based on triple helix approach in terms of design, participation and functions
• Connect all the stakeholders for technology exchange
• Provides multiple opportunities for technology networking
• Facilitates technology sales/purchase
• Facilitates collaboration, joint investments and partnership
• Promotes culture of innovation and creativity

The Offered Services

• Promotion of event in wide circles of R&D
• Collection and assessment of projects
• Developing list of potential projects
• Marketing potential projects to related partners
• Inviting potential facilitators and supporters from Government
• Inviting potential investors and partners
• Social media promotion
• Designing technology sessions
• Designing and managing expo and display
• Other management

The Expectations from Host

• Venue arrangements and logistics
• Financial support for marketing and management
• Team of volunteers for organization

Who should organize innovation summit

• Universities organizing open house
• Donors funding R&D projects
• R&D organizations developing technologies and research projects
• Countries planning to promote innovation
• Intergovernmental organizations promoting innovation
• Social organization promoting science and technology in the society
• Chain of Schools aiming to display potential of their students

See case study of Innovation Summit

See Video Documentaries of Summit  

Contact: Dr. Rashida Zohra –  – 92-334-1213499