Invention to Innovation Summit

 Buy and Sell Technology

Annually Scheduled Four Provinces of Pakistan; Karachi, Lahore, Quetta and Peshawar

Click here to download  sponsorship details

 Innovation Summit is great Accelerator of your innovative IDEAS and includes…..

Why to Support Innovation Summit - Because it Drives Innovation in Pakistan through 

  • Display of Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Products
  • Presentations on Industry Demanded Technologies
  • Case Studies of Successfully Commercialized Technologies
  • Keynote Speeches of Innovation Gurus
  • Startup Competition
  • Innovation Awards and Technology Awards
  • SATHA Awards and Networking Dinner
  • Case Awards

Support the Summit - Support the R&D Promotion in Pakistan 

The summits carries logo of sponsors and supporters. The promotion of supporters is done extensively reaching to millions of stakeholders. Here is promotions of Innovation Summit

  • Innovation Summit Is Followed by Activities Entire the Year across the Pakistan
  • Innovation Awards are Given In the Summit and Promoted in  Academia and Industry across the Pakistan
  • Around 200 Universities, 300 R&D Institutions, 10000 Industries, 500 Social Organizations and 1000 plus Public Sector Department Receives Summit Promotional Materiel Each Year
  • Around 02 Million Students of Universities and Colleges Receive Summit Information
  • The Summit Promotion Reaches to People from All Walks of Life

The Summit is Free- Only Because of your Support 

The large numbers of students, scientists, industry professionals, NGOs and Govt. officials participate in the summit because of:

  • FREE To Visit Innovation Expo/Technology Exhibition In Summit
  • FREE To Attend 15+ Technology Sessions Presenting Viable Technologies for Commercialization
  • FREE To Submit Maximum Projects for Oral Presentations In Sessions as Viable Technologies
  • FREE To Submit Maximum Projects for SATHA Innovation Awards
  • FREE To Submit Maximum Projects for Poster Display
  • FREE To Compete for Technology Award
  • FREE To Display Ideas, Technologies and Products


Stall Package for Promotion Stall  Rs. 30,000/-Includes: 

  • Dedicated Space Of 3×3 Mtr Two Tables and Two Chairs
  • Electricity Will Be Provided 

Join as Innovation Partner and Get Promoted through 

Summit Media

  • Media campaign of innovation summit reaches to millions of people from all walks of life,
  • The media campaign is run through various promotional platforms. The logo of summit partners and supporters is placed on media promotions as per plan.

Social Media Promotion

  • Summit is largely promoted through social media like Linked, G+, Facebook and Youtube etc. The summit message along with partners and supporters reaches to millions of people from academia, industry, government and social sector.

Print Media of Summit

  • Around 5000 posters of innovation summit are printed each year for four summits and posted to large number of stakeholders. These posters include program schedule of summit and other information. these posters reaches to large of industry and academic institutions.

Summit Documentary

  • Summit video documentary is made in every summit by private firm and all the events are recorded. Promo of documentary and detailed documentary is promoted digitally through various channels.
  • Note: The documentary is made by Evolution.

Email Communication

  • Official email of innovation summit is sent to 500,000 plus people annually through four summits. The email is sent to various categories of people..
  • The emails are sent to national and international people also. The email is sent directly and indirectly through offices of organizations to their members.

Venue Promotion of Summit

  • Each venue of innovation summit big university of Pakistan having 1000s of students. The selected scientists and students of entire province also join summit venue.
  • The venue of decorated with flexes and banners showing summit messages and logo of supporters and sponsors.

The Sponsorship Packages 

Strategic Partnership: Rs. 500,000/summit

  • Dedicated Stall of 3×3 Mtr
  • Display of 1 Flex Standees in Conference Venue
  • Display of Logo on Backdrop Flex of Inauguration Session
  • Display of Logo on all Promotional Material
  • Participation in Innovation Award Competition
  • One Souvenir for Organization
  • Certificates for Exhibitors
  • Promoted as “Strategic Partner of Innovation Summit” in all Promotional Materiel

Managing Partnership: Rs. 300,000/summit

  • Dedicated Stall Of 3×3 Mtr
  • Display of 1 Flex Standees in Conference Venue
  • Display of Logo on Backdrop Flex of Inauguration Session
  • Display of Logo on All Promotional Material
  • Participation in Innovation Award Competition
  • One Souvenir for Organization
  • Certificates for Exhibitors
  • Promoted Exclusively as “Managing Partner of Innovation Summit” in all Promotional Materiel

Platinum Sponsorship: Rs. 100,000/summit

  • Dedicated Stall of 3×3 Mtr
  • Display of 1 Flex Standees in Conference Venue
  • Display of Logo on Flex Banners of Event
  • Participation In Innovation Award Competition
  • One Souvenir for Organization
  • Certificates for Exhibitors
  • Promoted as “The Sponsor of Innovation Summit” in all Promotional Materiel

Diamond Sponsorship = Rs. 50,000/summit

  • Dedicated Stall of 3×3 Mtr
  • Display of 1 Flex Standees in Conference Venue
  • Participation in Innovation Award Competition
  • One Souvenir for Organization
  • Certificates for Exhibitors
  • Promoted as “The Supporter of Innovation Summit” in Slefy and Acknowledgment Banner

Other Modes of Partnership

Host SATHA Innovation Award and Innovation Dinner

  • To be Scheduled on at Evening of Summit Day 01 and Venue to te Decided by Host
  • Dinner Plus Sitting Arrangements to te Made along with Stage and Multimedia by Host
  • Shields, Flexes and Awards will be Arranged by IRP/SATHA
  • 250 Executives Including Deans, HoDs, Industry Executives and VCs will be the Guests
  • Host may Invite Chief Guest or Some Other Dignities
  • Budget Estimate Is PKR 250,000/- (Twenty Five Hundred Thousand)

The innovation dinner is very exclusive gathering of dignities of summit. It is great networking dinner promoted in entire province for SATHA Award. The host will get promotion in large number of academia, industry and government as host of innovation and dinner.

Sponsor the an Expo Pavilion 

  • Large Number of Various Pavilions are Set up in Expo
  • One Pavilion Includes 30 plus stalls of various Exhibitors
  • One Pavilion in Expo Costs around 01 lakh for Desks, Chairs and Display Arrangements
  • The Donors are Requested to Sponsor one or more Pavilions

Sponsor Lunch for Exhibitors /Students

  • Around 1000 Lunch Boxes Are Needed for Two Days for Students
  • The Budget Estimate Is 250,000/- (Twenty Five Hundred Thousands)
  • The Donor may Partially or Fully Support the Food Cost

Name of donor can appear on lunch boxes and students will thanks donor for this great hospitality. A separate flex will be displayed for donor showing “lunch is sponsored by ABC”

Sponsor Shields of Summit

  • Around 300 Shields aAre Distributed of Various Kinds in Summit
  • The Shields are Given To Winners, Speakers, Deans, HoDs and Industry Executives
  • The Budget is around 300,000/- (Three Hundred Thousands)
  • Sponsor may Fund Fully or Partially as Well.

The logo of sponsor will appear on shields and build a long lasting relationship with receivers/winners 

Sponsor Stay for Students and Guests

  • 100+ Students from Remote Areas and 50 Faculty Members Demand FREE Stay
  • There is Need for 2-3 Nights Stay Facility for one Person
  • The Total Budget Is Rs. 450,000/- (Forty Five Hundred Thousands) as 2000 for a Student and 5000 for a Faculty Member
  • The Donors may Support the Stay Fully or Partially

Donor name will be dedicatedly promoted in entire province as sponsor of Stay. Donor will get good promotion and thanks by large number people especially young students


Mode of Payment:

Please post crossed cheque/draft in favour of “Institute of Research Promotion” at the address: Suit No. 11, Floor No. 7, Central Plaza, Barket Market, Garden Town, Lahore, Pakistan. OR Online transfer in “A/C 01300060007894”, Faisal Bank Garden Town Branch, Lahore-Pakistan