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ToRs Technology Exhibition

  • Innovative ideas are welcomed for poster display free of any cost in a grand common space.
  • The posters for free display should be around 2×3 feet in size and one poster for one technology
  • Innovative industry products and technologies would be displayed in paid stalls.
  • University technologies could be accommodated on zero payment subject to availability of sponsorship funds and worth of technology
  • Display of ideas and technologies are allowed after evaluation and industry consent in terms of potential and viability
  • Academic Technologies must have passed Lab trials successfully
  • Only 1-2 technologies are accepted from one institution for technology award competition
  • Technology must be submitted 10 days before the exhibition for technology  award competition assessment

Selection Criteria  Award  Competition
Technology selected through following criteria would be accommodated in Exhibition for stalls and Technology award. 

  • The Judges would rate the potential of technologies and products against given five factors.
  • Judges rating would be multiplied with given factors and sum of scores of five factors would be considered as Technology Score.
  • The industry would be approached for feedback on your technology/product and consent on potential of commercialization.
  • Technology/products having highest score would be given stalls and considered for Technology Award.

Assessment: Download Assessment Form for Awards
▪  Stalls are limited and only for commercial oriented technologies/products
▪  Open space would be provided for poster presentation of ideas
▪  Decision of review committee is final for stalls and award

Format of Poster Design

  •  Poster size= 2×3 feet
  •  Project Title
  •  Overview of Project
  •  Market Demand and Viability
  •  Who are Targeted Users?
  •  Who are Targeted Investors?
  •  Key Value of Project in Terms of; Import Substitute, Local Solution, Use of Local Raw Material and Use of local HR
  •  Significant Economic Impact
  •  Required Support to develop it further
  •  Picture of Project/Technology / Process
  •  Contact of Researcher